Yes, all of our paintings are hand-painted on demand. Every piece is unique. Note that there might be slight differences between product images and the final product because of this.
All our paintings are made of oil and acrylic paint.
We use non-toxic oil and acrylic paint on highest quality cotton canvas.
The end result are paintings that tolerate increased humidity, are free from odor and do NOT fade over time.
We ship all paintings world-wide, free of charge.We are partnered with major carriers like DHL, UPS, and FedEx.
Due to the hand-painting and drying process, all orders are processed and fulfilled within 10 business days. Average shipping times range between 5 and 10 business days:
US, CA: 7 business days
AU, NZ: 10 business days
EU: 5 business days
Rest of the world: 10 business days
Yes, if you are by any chance dissatisfied with your painting, please send us an email to support@artbymontfort.com with the subject 'Return'.
Make sure to also include your order number, name and the reason for why you'd like to return your artwork.