This mysterious painting depicts a silhouette of a woman in a bright red dress holding an umbrella, standing amidst a misty landscape with the iconic Eiffel Tower in the background. The combination of the vibrant color and the dreamy atmosphere of the painting create an alluring and unique image.
For custom sizes, message us on our contact page.
We ship all paintings world-wide, free of charge. We are partnered with major carriers like DHL, UPS, and FedEx.
Due to the hand-painting and drying process, all orders are processed and fulfilled within 10 business days. Average shipping times range between 5 and 10 business days:
United States: 3-7 business days
United Kingdom: 2-5 business days
Canada: 2-5 business days
Australia: 2-5 business days
Europe: 2-5 business days
Other: 5-10 business days
Once your order is processed and the painting is complete, we'll send you photos and videos of it.
You can see the painting and ask for any changes before it is shipped.
Your artwork will only be shipped once you are happy with it.
Since we are so confident that you will absolutely adore your painting, we are offering a 30-day money back guarantee. If you aren't satisfied for any reason, simply contact us and ask for a full refund.
Yes, all of our paintings are hand-painted on demand. Every piece is unique. Note that there might be slight differences between product images and the final product because of this.
All our paintings are made of oil and acrylic paint.
We use non-toxic oil and acrylic paint on highest quality cotton canvas.
The end result are paintings that tolerate increased humidity, are free from odor and do NOT fade over time.
We ship all paintings world-wide, free of charge. We are partnered with major carriers like DHL, UPS, and FedEx.
Due to the hand-painting and drying process, all orders are processed and fulfilled within 10 business days. Average shipping times range between 5 and 10 business days:
United States: 3-7 business days
United Kingdom: 2-5 business days
Canada: 2-5 business days
Australia: 2-5 business days
Europe: 2-5 business days
Other: 5-10 business days
If you are in any way unsatisfied with your painting, contact us within 30 days of receiving the product, and we will offer you a full refund. Otherwise, you can request a re-do completely free of charge.
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